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I am a: Woman
Seeking a: Man
Age: 36
Cultural: Caucasian
Hair: Brunette
Build: Average
Profession: None
Leisure Time: Reading Erotica
Alcohol: Yes
Smoking: No

About me:

I'm a naughty mommy with some really dirty desires. First of all, I'm only looking for men UNDER 21! Seriously! Only 18-20! Second, you HAVE to have a girlfriend! I only want you if you're cheating. Third, you have to be okay with a SQUIRTER! I want to squirt my lady ALL OVER you and send you home to your girlfriend every single day. I want it fucking dripping off of you so you have to come up with excuses so she never finds out that you're getting your fucking balls emptied out by a REAL WOMAN while she's off fucking around with her friends and ignoring her MAN!!!