They say that there's a season for everything.. Well right now for me that means finding my soulmate, my knight in shining armour, my superhero lol :p
My girls told me I was crazy for going online cause they are worried that I'll attract all kinds of freaks and perverts.. But I already do that in real life so that shut them up quickly LOL ;P
I like the idea of being able to see what is out there from the safety of my own home with a nice wine on the couch. Myabe he is here maybe he is not. I'm not someone to go on a frantic search but I will definitely put the effort in.
I believe that if I keep my eyes open and try my best it will only be a matter of time untill i meet the right man.
But until that time I just want to relax and enjoy myself.. So pics of perfect abs and biceps can be straight forwarded to me LOL