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I am a: Woman
Seeking a: Man
Age: 26
Cultural: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Build: Slim
Profession: Copy writer
Leisure Time: Tennis
Alcohol: Yes Occasionally
Smoking: No

About me:

I am a 26 year old young independent woman, loves the outdoors, loves sports, 5″6 tall and loves to meet new like minded friends. I juts got out of a very toxic relationship and my experience on that made me think twice before getting into a new one. But a girl has needs too you know – sexual needs and desires that I cannot ignore. I decided to try this online dating thing for the primary reason of sex dating without the hassles and baggage of a relationship. My profile doesn't show much but trust me, I am kinkier that I look LOL. Send me a private message with some pics, and if I like you, expect a call 😉